国家所有制: state ownership公有制: public ownership国家所有制: government ownership; system of state ownership国家(全民)所有制: state ownership公有制: public ownership◇公有制经济 pubilc-owned economy所有制: ownership; system of ownership 封建土地所有制 feudal ownership of land; 集体所有制 collective ownership; 全民所有制 ownership by the whole people; 所有制在经济上的实现 economic realization of ownership; 所有制关系的客体 object in the relations of ownership; 所有制关系的主体 subject in the relations of ownership; 所有制结构 pattern of ownership; structure of ownership; 所有制升级 elevate the degree of ownership公有制经济: pubilc owned economy; public ownership economy; the public sector of the economy土地公有制: common ownership of land; commonownershipofland; public land ownership; public ownership of land; publiclandownership; publicownershipofland; socialist public ownershiof land公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展: public ownership is dominant and different economic sectors develop side by side以公有制为主体的多种所有制: diversified forms of ownership with public ownershias the main form所有权;所有制: ownership所有制,所有权: ownership非公有制成分: non-public sector of the economy非公有制经济: non-public sector of the economy; the non- public sectors of the economy; the non-public sectors of the economy非公有制企业: non-public enterprises非公有制资本: non-public capital公有制占主体: in der volkswirtschaft spielt das gemeineigentum eine dominierende rolle单位所有制: “unit ownership system”地主所有制: landlordism封建所有制: feudal property个人所有制: individual property个体所有制: einzeleigentum m./privateingentum m; individual ownership公社所有制: communal ownership; communal property公司所有制: corporation混合所有制: diversified (mixed) ownership; diversified ownership mixed ownership; mixed ownership